Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Breaking the Law, Breaking the Law

It struck me just now that the storage capacity of Johnny, sneakernet agent/main character of William Gibson's excellent cyberpunk short story Johnny Mnemonic, had an in-brain memory capacity of 80 gigs. Just 80 gigs! Silicon Power just released a compact flash card for pro-level digital SLR cameras that stores 128 gigs and isn't much larger than a Cool Ranch Dorito. That Johnny, what a sucker--he traded his childhood memories in 2021 for a wetware storage bin that could barely hold a respectable mp3 collection in 2010. Well, he gets Molly as a concession, so if that's losing out I don't want to win.

Moore's Law states that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit will double every two years and has held more or less true since 1970. And though this law has been invoked for computer hardware on the whole I just found out that when referring to storage devices specifically the phenomenon is actually called Kryder's Law, named after Seagate VP of research Mark Kryder. So, interesting little tidbit there. To me.


Going in a completely different direction, I spent about an hour today re-lacing all my shoes in various configurations I found from Ian's Shoelace Site, your one-stop-shop for shoelace tying information. Not only have a I laced my Sketchers into a lattice formation, but I've learned how to tie an effective reef knot that virtually never comes undone. Huzzah!

...It is so monumentally important that I start this job next week. It'll prevent me from doing stuff like this too often.


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