Thursday, July 16, 2009

Super Great Japanese Supermarket Thing!

Maia and I "live French", as some might say, and buy our food mostly daily instead of stockpiling crap in the fridge. We want the freshest ingredients for our food, sure, but also my fridge simply isn't terribly large. Well, I remembered some fantastic baked veggie chips we tried last week and went to get more in the snack aisle when I spotted something new, the below bag of Yakijaga (baked/roasted potato) in the flavor of yuzukoshou. Yuzukoshou is a condiment made from the fascinating yuzu citrus fruit that one eats with...whatever you want to put it on and I typically don't like it, but for some reason seeing it in potato chip form enticed me enough to buy them. I was not disappointed! These chips are like a cross between salt and vinegar- and lime-flavoring. And as you can see from the packaging they're fairly low in calories too. Take that American potato chips!


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