Monday, March 1, 2010

"Squid Wrestling: All Tentacles and No Substance."

Yikes, I am super busy at work and come home every night really wanting to just collapse in a heap...and I love it! Finally I'm feeling like a semi-contributing member of society again despite the ridiculously low salary. (They tell me it'll pay off, I hope they're right.) The downside to this, of course, is that there's little to no energy left to do my own, non-company, writing here. But tonight I stumbled on a blog that really made my day--Sleep Talkin' Man. This is what happens when a prolific and astoundingly funny sleep talker marries a blogger with recording equipment and no shame whatsoever in broadcasting her husband's most intimate unconscious moments to the world.

His lucid speech and fantastic imagination remind me very much of famous sleep talker Dion McGregor.


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